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Showing posts from September, 2019

Watering and Irrigation- RF Agriculture

In a commercial operation, the environment needs to be heavily controlled. The top categories that need controlled are temperature, ventilation, disease and pest control, and water. Water takes many forms in a greenhouse. In a commercial greenhouse, water is controlled in both irrigation systems and humidity. Proper water application and control is essential in proper plant health and yield growth. The larger the operation, the more important the use of mechanized systems that can apply water and read levels of water throughout an entire growing area are. This is done through meters, injectors, pumps, flow meters, controllers, and other forms of watering equipment. Meters In the realm of commercial horticulture, the use of meters increases productivity and yields due to a meter’s ability to accurately measure things such as water and pH. Meters come in many shapes and sizes with different functions for the greenhouse. pH, EC meters, DO meters, and soil moisture are some o